
Future of manufacturing

Foresight project looking at the long-term picture for the UK manufacturing sector between now and 2050.

The manufacturing sector makes significant contributions to the economy, accounting for over 10% of the UK’s gross value and employing around 2.5 million people. It accounts for more than half of the UK’s exports (53%) and around 3 quarters of business research and development (72%).

This project looked at the long-term picture for the UK manufacturing sector up to 2050, investigating global trends and drivers of change. It explored how the UK could maximise these opportunities and developed an evidence base to help policy-makers prepare for the challenges ahead.

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How to watch this YouTube video There's a YouTube video on this page. You can't access it because of your cookie settings. You can change your cookie settings or watch the video on YouTube instead: Watch more videos about the manufacturing project

The project involved some 300 industry and academic experts, business leaders and stakeholders, from 25 countries. It was guided by a multi-disciplinary lead expert group and a high-level stakeholder group to ensure it included the most relevant evidence and its findings were of a high technical and scientific standard.

The project was sponsored by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills.

Project report

Supporting evidence


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Published 30 October 2013
Last updated 11 April 2014
  1. 'Future manufacturing: role of leadership' added to supporting evidence.

  2. First published.